GonnaGitYourKid- You had quite a night there last night. Why don't we start with your thoughts when you saw there would be eight of you against 15 opponents.
Bryon Horton-Well, I just kinda looked over and said to myself, "These dorks got nothing on me." And I carried that confidence with me on my bike to victory.
GGYK- Yes, the bike. Tell us how that idea came about.
BH- Well, after last match, we realized that if we are gonna be down in numbers, we need to have more speed than these Poindexters. I mean, it was a risk because if my bike got hit i was out, but I just locked it up when I was going into combat.
GGYK- Yeah, tell us about that amazing battle you fought to capture their flag.
BH- WHAT! I'M IN HERE GIVING AN INTERVIEW! NO! IT'S NOT CLANCY!.....fuckers. I'm sorry. Yeah, so I just came in and there were about four guys there and....
GGYK- guys?
BH- Girls! OKAY? You happy? I killed four girls and then I took their tennis balls and they screamed too. Is that what you wanted to hear? What else am I suppose to do? Women, children...its all the same to me when there is a t-shirt hanging out of a tree!
GGYK- Four is pretty impressive though. Was there any point during the game you were worried that 1022 might lose?
BH- Not really. We held good numbers the whole time and we held them off well. I don't think we wil have anymore problems with those nerds....but look, I got a hot bitch waiting for me in my room, so I gotta get going.
GGYK- We understand completely! Thanks for meeting with us and good luck in the future.