Arizona State Capture The Flag At Night On Campus Tournament: Season One
Rules and Regulations


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ten-nineFlag Placement Sectors: The 9 sectors are as follows: 
Mauve: Normals Ave to Orange to McAllister Ave to Apache to Normal. Area includes SRC and fields, law library, PE building. Restricted placement: Anyplace in SRC requiring a SunCard, Cactus patch, fenced lot west of Phys Ed West bldg, inside any building in the area..
Green- NW corner of nobel science library to orange street to McAllister to Tyler Mall sidewalk to science library NW corner. Incluides, southern half of tyler mall, science library, Shwarda bldg. Psychology bldg, mcallister mall, etc. Restricted Placement:  in cactus, inside buildings, up Jeremy's ass.
Blue-NW corner of science linrayr up walkway to univeristy to McAllister to tyler mall. Icludes: Goldwater center and some other buildings. resticted placement: inside buildings,  cactus.
Yellow-Palme walk and university dr to west border of blue sector running anlong the blue and green sector to orange street up palm walk to university. Includes PS buildings, lot 26 and engineering center. restricted placement: cactus, in buildings,
Brown- Cady mall at universtiy to palm walk to central plant to hayden mall to southeast corner of social sciences building.Includes: LL bldg, social sciences building, student health, old main. restricted placementL in buildings, cactus. SS bldg couryard.
Purple- Cady Mall to north end of Hayden Mall to forest mall to behind the church to cady mall. Includes: Antrhopology, family resource bldgs, nursing building,  matthes center, McClintok Hall. Restricted placement: Any non-fully accessable areas in McClintok,  church, inside bldgs, cactus.
White-University down Murtle Ave to construction to Forrest mall, to university. Includes Neeb Hall art stuff, comm bldg. restricted placement: Anything over first floor of Parking Structure #3, cactus, inside building.
Red- Mill and 10th to SW corner of Music Bldg. to Forest mall to co0nstruction zone to mill and 10th. Includes: Neeb Hall, Nelson Fine Art Center, Farmer Education bldg., Music Bldg. restricted placement: inside farmer education courtyard. Inside buildings, cactus.
Orange-gammage auditorium lot. Includes Lot 3, fountains, gammage, the lawn northeast of gammage. restricted placement: on gammmage and gammage ramps, in buildings, cactus.

Nine-SixRegulatoryCommisionFormed: After much late-night bed-talk, we've decided on some basic standards for the rules of Capture The Flag Season One: Death by Balls. Subject to change at a later date, consider the following:
1) Teams will consist of between 1 and 10 players. Midgets, Dogs, Women, and Minors all count as a complete player. Black Dogs will countas 3/5 of a person. After the championship, there is the possibility of a larger-scale match to be deemed the "all-star game".
1b) Teams will be declared at the start of their first match. Adding/Swapping players must be approved by GonnaGitYourKid.Tripod.Com.
2) Teams will have names. Cool Names. Cool names which will be provided by that team. 
3) There will be a standard time-limit of up-to 1.75 hours per match by and GonnaGitYourKidDisqualified.Tripod.Com Associate Vice President David Hohman through this page. Hours will be set after 8 pm to ensure the campus is dark and semi-dead. One match minimum  will be played during that entire period. 
4) There will be a list designating acceptable flag-placing areas. Flags may be protected from any range, but must be in an open-area. Flags may not be carried or held by their own team. Any questions about flag placement may be brought to the attention of David Hohman prior to the match. If the flag placement is for a match against Hohman, a third party will be directed to answer the question.   
5) Only one flag may be placed out per team. No decoys. It is not to be burried or hung in an inaccessable area. Once the flag has been placed in an area, it must remain in that area for the remainder of the match. If stolen, but not returned to the opponent's base, the flag is to promptly be taken back to that area to resume efficient gameplay. 
6) A team will win if they are the first in match to capture their opponents flag and return it to their own flag posting. If neither team is able to successfully garner a victory in the designated time frame, there will be no ties, only losers.
7) Teams capture opponent players by hitting them (or their clothes, accessories etc) with tennis balls which teams will provide. All hits are legal so long as they do not hit the ground before hitting a player). You may have any number of tennis balls for your team. Wilson is the preferred brand, but all kinds are acceptable. When a player is hit by a ball, they are on their honor system to go to jail. Any violations of the honor code will result in a team disqualification. To keep things realistic POWs will sign in. POWs may keep their balls but cannot attack until eligable to play. 
8) A prison will be set up in a designated section of the the Flag-placing area. These are non-negoitable areas so both teams know where their men (or Dogs or Midgets or Black Dogs) are if they know where the other team chose as their flag-placement area. All signed in prisioners are rescued when a free player on that team touches a POW. Those POWs are then given free passage back to their flag where they must sign in. They must go directly back to their flag and not use their freepassage to snoop around etc. At that point they are eligible to play. The player who freed the prisioners does not receive free passage and must continue playing without an interruption in play.
9) Statistics will be kept on GonnaGitYourKid.Tripod.Com
10) Because compeitions will take place at night and between strangers with many people in the middle who arent playing (we hope to call them civilian casualties), teams playing will be wearing a designated shirt colour and that shirt must be worn on the outside all through the game. Teams may play as 'skins'.
11) Matches will start with the teams meeting at the designated area so they may see their opponents. They will then each be directed back to their flags to begin the start of the match.
12) Many devices are permitted. Radios, walkie talkies, GPS, three-man slingshots, crime dogs (except Scruff; McGruff is acceptable). Teams may not have undesignated players as spies to leak information though they are not really in the game. During a match, players must admit that they are playing if question arises.      
13) Matches will begin with 2-team matches but may increase as time goes.
14) People may play for only one team.  
15) Anyone may be on any team.
16) The jail is at the fountain northwest of the MU.
17) A player who has captured a flag and is returning it may not attack any opponents so long as he is carrying the flag.
18) Lying will not be permitted, including questions of who is playing, for what team, if they are in/out, whether or not the game is over. 
19) A hit player may not get in the way of gameplay (i.e. blocking a defender or shielding a teammate) but may pick up balls except the one that him him/her. However, until that player returns to the jail, they may not be tagged back into play by a teammate. If a player is collecting balls but out, they must volunteer that information up to opponents around them. (b)If a player is just going back to jail, the opposition must ask the player if they are in or out.  
20) For people competing on any mode of transportation other than foot: if the object they are riding on is hit; that player is out. If a player is walking and using their transportation as a shield (i.e. bike) the rule applies. The rule does not apply when the peson is off the transportation and stationary.


For more information email us @ Dhohman@Imap2.ASU.EDU or catch us on AIM, GonnaGitYourKid