GonnaGitYourKid- Bryon, may I call you Bryon?
Bryon Horton- Finally! Anything is better than fucking Lost Boy. Everyone around here calls me Lost Boy.
GG- So, all your friends call you Lost Boy?
Lost Boy- I don't like it though!...You know what I don't care.
GG- Alright then; getting down to buissness, what are your thoughts on this upcoming season at hand?
LB- You're putting my name down as Lost Boy aren't you?! Bryon! That's my name! Put it like that!
GG- Ok, ok, sorry.
LB- You're still doing it! Stop it!
GG- Doing what?
BH- Putting my name as...oh, that's better. Anyways, I think this team has some real potential. We aren't as numerous as I would like, LB- but I think with time we will develop into a force.
GG- Alright, and where will most of your tactics be coming from?
BH- You just changed over!...Don't give me that look! I saw it! Leave it at BH! Bryon Horton! BH...good? Good!
GG- So, you're making up most of the tactics?
BH- What? No, of course we leave that up to the greats.
GG- Oh yeah? You guys study a lot of Robert E. Lee, Napolean, and Ceasar?
BH- You're so stupid. Clancy....WHAT! I'M IN HERE! WHAT DO YOU WANT?... ... ... Jeeze.
GG- Alright. Well, if I could just get a little background, I will be out of your way and let you get back to your studies here.
BH- Oh. There is not much to tell. I'm a pre-buissness major. I enjoy snuggling and ultimate frisbee. I am searching for a Libra or Sagittarius to spend some good time with. I am quite the cameraman and I excel at home audio. I think it is also important to note that I work at Performance LB-Footware and...HEY! THAT'S IT! JUST GET OUT OF HERE!